DatabaseMailUserRole Security Feature of – SQL Database Mail

This SQL Server role empowers secure email communication. Explore its functionalities & discover best practices to fortify your database security. #SQLServer #DatabaseSecurity


Database mail role is a database role in Microsoft SQL Server that controls user permissions for sending emails using Database Mail functionality.

Understanding DatabaseMailUserRole: What is it and Why is it Important?

It is a fixed server role within the msdb system database of SQL Server. This role grants users permission to utilize the Database Mail functionality. Database Mail allows applications and stored procedures to send emails directly from the SQL Server instance. While convenient, this functionality demands proper control to prevent unauthorized email sending.

Here’s a breakdown of what it means:

  • Database Mail: This is a feature in SQL Server that allows you to configure and send emails directly from your database queries.
  • User Role: A database role is a collection of permissions that can be assigned to users. It determines what actions a user can perform within the database.

So, Database role specifically grants users the ability to use Database Mail features like sending emails through the sp_send_dbmail stored procedure.

Here are some key points:

  • Membership: By default, members of the sysadmin fixed server role and msdb database owner role (db_owner) are automatically added to the DatabaseMailUserRole.
  • Permissions: Users assigned to Database User can only send emails if they also have access to at least one configured Database Mail profile. Profiles define details like email server configuration, sender address, and recipient information.
  • Public vs. Private Profiles: There are two types of Database Mail profiles: public and private. Public profiles are accessible to all members of the Database Mail, while private profiles require specific access granted by the administrator.

Read More: 7 Best Practices To Secure SQL Server

Database Mail Role: A Guardian of Email Communication

DatabaseMailUserRole email communication

The significance of Mail role lies in its ability to restrict access to Database Mail features. By assigning users to this role, you grant them the necessary permissions to leverage email functionalities within defined parameters. Here’s how it bolsters security:

  • Granular Control: Unlike granting server-level administrative rights,  Mail role offers a more granular approach. You can assign this role to specific users who genuinely require email communication capabilities, preventing unauthorized access.
  • Separation of Duties: Database Mail promotes the principle of least privilege. Users with this role can send emails, but they might not have broader administrative access to the server or database configuration. This minimizes potential security risks associated with elevated privileges.
  • Auditing and Monitoring: By associating email sending activities with specific users assigned to User Role, administrators can effectively audit and monitor email communication. This helps identify any suspicious activity or potential misuse of the Database Mail functionality.

Advanced Features of Database Mail Role

While access control is a core security benefit, Mail User offers additional functionalities to enhance email communication security:

DatabaseMailUserRole advance
  • Configuration Permissions: Administrators can configure Database Mail settings for users with the Database Mail. This allows them to limit the email addresses users can send to, the email body format, and even the type of attachments permitted.
  • Secure Profiles and Credentials: Database Mail utilizes profiles to store email server configuration details securely. Users with the Database Mail can only access email functionality through predefined profiles, further restricting potential misuse.
  • Integration with Active Directory: SQL Server can be integrated with Active Directory, allowing you to leverage existing user accounts for Database Mail access. This strengthens security by utilizing a centralized authentication system.

To prevent anyone from sending arbitrary emails,  Database Mail is guarded by the database role Mail Role.  Users who are not the member of Mail role cannot send emails except sysadmin who has all privileges. 

For example, an unauthorized user sends email by running sp_send_dbmail


EXEC sp_send_dbmail @profile_name=’MailProfile1′, @recipients=’’, @body=’test message’, @subject=’Ignore this message’

The user will encounter the error message below.


Msg 229, Level 14, State 5, Procedure sp_send_dbmail, Line 1
The EXECUTE permission was denied on the object ‘sp_send_dbmail’, database ‘msdb’, schema ‘dbo’.

Not only sp_send_dbmail, but also the following Database Mail SPs and views will be bounced if the user is not the member of Database role. If the user is allowed to run sp_send_dbmail and those operations above, you can add him or her to Mail user role with SQL Server Management Studio as follows.

Stored Procedure:


Or you can run sp_addrolememeber below.


USE msdb
EXEC sp_addrolemember@rolename=’DatabaseMailUserRole’, @membername=’dbuser1′

Best Practices for Leveraging Database Mail User Securely

To maximize the security benefits of Database Mail Role, consider these best practices:

  • Assign the Role Mindfully: Only grant DatabaseMailUserRole to users who legitimately require email communication capabilities.
  • Implement Least Privilege: Avoid assigning broader administrative rights alongside DatabaseMailUserRole.
  • Leverage Configuration Permissions: Restrict email sending parameters for users with this role to minimize potential misuse.
  • Utilize Secure Profiles: Configure secure email server details within well-defined profiles.
  • Integrate with Active Directory: Utilize existing Active Directory user accounts and permissions for Database Mail access.
  • Monitor Email Activity: Regularly monitor email sending logs to identify suspicious activity.


By understanding the functionalities and security features, you can effectively manage Database Mail functionality within your SQL Server environment. This role empowers you to grant controlled access to email communication while maintaining robust security protocols. Remember, a well-defined security strategy requires a multi-layered approach. Utilizing other security measures, such as encryption and regular vulnerability assessments, creates a secure and reliable database ecosystem.


What is Database Mail Role and why is it important?

It is a SQL Server security role that grants users permission to utilize the Database Mail functionality. This functionality allows applications and stored procedures to send emails directly from the server. The role is important because it offers granular control over who can send emails, preventing unauthorized access.

How does Database User Role enhance security?

This promotes security in several ways. It restricts access to Database Mail features, allowing emails only from authorized users. It also supports separation of duties by granting email sending permissions without broader administrative access. Additionally, it facilitates audit trails by linking email activity to specific users.

What are some best practices for using Mail User Role securely?

Some best practices include:
Assigning the role only to users who genuinely need to send emails.
Implementing the principle of least privilege by avoiding broader administrative rights for these users.
Utilizing configuration permissions to restrict email sending parameters.
Employing secure profiles to store email server details.
Integrating with Active Directory for centralized user authentication.
Regularly monitoring email activity for suspicious behavior.

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